As part of the Border Security Act passed by the United States government, airlines, cruise lines, and tour companies are now required to transmit certain passenger data to U.S. Customs & Immigration. API must be provided prior to the aircraft/cruise ship departing from and arriving to the United States.
Gathering API during airport/ship check-in would lengthen the amount of time required for check-in and in-effect add a lot of extra time in lines for you and may even result in you not being able to travel. It is for this reason that we ask you to take the time now to supply us with the API information so we may pass it along to your tour/cruise company.
We assume, unless notified that all passengers are United States citizens and residents. If you are leaving the country via
air all passengers, regardless of age, are required to carry a undamaged passport. Most countries require it to be valid for
6 months past your return date. Most cruises require everyone, regardless of age, to carry Proof of Citizenship, which is:
A) your original or notarized birth certificate, with a raised state seal, plus a state issued photo ID. You will also need to
show how your name changed from your birth certificate to the photo ID if the names do not match. Or B) a passport.
Certain cruises will allow travel with a Passport Card. Cruises to and from different ports require Passports for travel.
Domestic travel requires everyone over 16 to carry a state issued photo ID. For domestic travel and cruise travel after
October 1, 2020 you will need an enhanced state ID in addition to the above mentioned birth certificate. Passports or
proof of citizenship is not required to book your trip. But, it is your responsibility to have proper documents for travel. Not
being able to obtain proper documents for travel, for any reason, will result in full cancellation fees being charged. Minors
traveling with one parent/guardian internationally are required to have a signed notarized permission letter from the non-traveling
parent. You take full responsibility and must determine the proper documents needed before traveling. Failure to
have proper documents will result in denied boarding and will result in full loss of monies paid.
Please submit one form for each guest sailing, regardless of age.
Advanced Passenger Information
Thank you for submitting your Advanced Passenger Information for your upcomming cruise. If we need additional information we will call you.
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